This dream is scaring the shit out of me, need some insight into it.
I'm hovering over this gloomy property, what looks to be a large funeral home/cematary. At one point after levitating over the property, I can hear my brother and his girlfriend talking to a police officer. They just keep talking and talking about some terrible accident involving me. "He's over there, something has happened, he's over there, he's over there". I can hear them but they can't hear me, I keep calling out but no one will hear me.
In my mind I can see my mother and father mourning me somewhere on this property. Im searching for them but I cant find them, and then I come to this place where all these people are standing and talking, all dressed up and in black. They can't see me or hear me either. I leave the place where those people are and come to this pasture with this large brick fence embroidered in black and gold with a small entrance in it. Then this boy comes to watch me. As he approaches my spirit is lifted from my body and I am carried into the air, just sitting on the airwaves, unable to return to my body or go higher. Just floating in gloomy silence, unable to do anything about it.
At first I thought I was flying, but when I tried to get the boy to fly with me he couldnt, all he could do was stare at me. It was as if I was in limbo, unable to pass into the next world or return to this world. It is scaring the living crap out of me. Please help.