My dad passed away last summer at age 60. It’s been over a year but it still feels like yesterday that I lost him. I love dreaming of him as it makes me feel close to him again, and I was happy - yet confused - to dream of him last night.
I was climbing/hiking up a steep hill, and I was thrilled to see a house at the top of it as I knew I’d finally made it to my destination (even though I didn’t realize that was my destination). It was an inviting house, brown brick, warm lights, but not one I’ve seen before.
As I approached, I could see my dad through the window to the living room - but it was a much younger version of him. He smiled right at me. I moved closer and I could see my mom was in the living room with him (they separated when I was young). They were both laughing and happy, but I realized they weren’t smiling at me - they were smiling at the baby who was in the chair on the table. Somehow I knew that baby was me, yet I kept going and walked through the front door.
II felt comforted, like I knew I was home. And then I woke up.
It was such a vivid and peaceful dream, and I’m really curious as to what it might mean!