Back when I was eleven years old I had a dream about me being in my mother's room and she told me There was a mentally retarded psychotic man (same mentality as Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre) with hydrocephalus was going to kill my stuffed animals and that I needed to save them before it was too late. (referring them as real life people or creatures) What was so creepy about this whole dream was the over all suspense of almost going in to my room (Where the hydrocephalus psycho is and my toys were at) as I almost walked in to the room I heard singing sheep. As I almost entered through the door way The dream ended right there. There was almost like weird connections in the dream as if the psychotic mentally challenged man with hydrocephalus was my brother and the stuffed animals was my children. It was a very chilling and surreal dream of eccentric messages that didn't quite tell me but I learned on my own in a very low key and vague way.