Hey everyone,
I am currently in a new relationship and discussing getting married and having a baby. I'm not scared and my partner and I already have 2 kids between us from previous relationships.
Last night I dreamt that a girl I don't like and no longer speak to dumped her newborn baby on me. I never saw her do it but I knew it was her, she left her baby in my bag and I discovered it when I got home with my partner. I unwrapped the baby from her blanket as she seemed hot, but then all of a sudden this sweet looking baby turned into a monster and began chattering it's teeth and started stretching it's body out with such force it got taller and taller magically. I was struggling to keep hold of the baby and knew if I let go it would fall and it had super strength.
I am so confused by this dream. Quite scary.
The night before that, I had a dream that my father who raised me and passed away was kicked by someone in our family and he fell to the ground and died. That morning my sister- his bio daughter had a baby- do you think my father was reborn to her?
I know it seems crazy, but I dream all the time and have many dreams I would like interpreted which are either repeated or stay with me because they made such an impact.
If anyone can please help me to stop being scared of the above dreams I had last night and the night before last I'd be truly grateful. Thank you.