
× Nightmares

2 years of the same nightmare

6 years 8 months ago #1 by julyinsomniac

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  • Birthdate: 24 Jul 1997
  • 2 years of the same nightmare was created by julyinsomniac
    Let me start off by introducing myself, my names Kyle/KJ im from the UK and currently im 20 and unemployed for a short while.
    This nightmare has haunted me for the last two years since I was 18, I always wake up in a sweaty mess, short of breath but on the rare occasion I can get back to sleep maybe for an extra hour but usually I get around two hours a night where im actually asleep.

    So, on to the details.
    It always starts with me falling into deep purple, what this signifies I cant imagine but the start is always the same, I just fall.
    The real nightmare begins for me when I reach the bottom of whatever im falling into, and only because now I know what waits for me but I can never wake up before the end. The floor I end up on reminds me of that soft bouncy flooring you get in playgrounds for some reason, the kind where bits stick to the bottom of your shoe. Also at the bottom of this place is my dad, a man I have no memories of because he died when I was a toddler but I know from pictures that its him, his hair is the same, thick and brown and his eyes are the same piercing blue from pictures ive seen but his face is twisted and deformed but again I know its him. I can never run away from dad at this part, its like im frozen in shock. He always moves closer to me, never walking but crawling face down on hands and knees moving like a snake towards me until he gets behind me. Then I feel his hands on my shoulders and his face twists around and his eyes always meet mine and I see that face in detail I wish I didnt have to see it in and then he cuts my face and then I awake. From what ive been told my dad was never a harsh man but a kind one with a heart of gold, so why does my mind twist him into a monster almost every night?

    If anybody has ever suffered with something similar please do respond, I need all the help I can get deciphering the message behind this nightmare, then maybe I can get a real night of sleep. Thanks for reading and any replies are appreciated.

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