
× Teen Dreams

Weird dream

12 years 2 months ago - 12 years 2 months ago #1 by lukesrauhl

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  • Weird dream was created by lukesrauhl
    Hi, I'm new to this site, and I came here because I'm trying to find out what my dream means.
    First of all, let me explain the past few months for me.
    I'm 16, and basically, I've lost touch with all my friends because they were bad influences and I've been spending a lot of time of a site called Tumblr, and I've been in this thing called a "fandom" which is basically a fan base or whatever of a certain celebrity, band, T.V. show, or movie. Whatever. Anyways, I always saw this really cute guy on my dash, named Dylan O'Brien, and I began watching the show he was in, but I'm not really like "obsessed" with him, as much as I am other celebrities. This is the dream, and I'm copy & pasting it from how I explained to my friend, so bare with me.

    it started out like i was at this friends house okay they live in the country and their house is at the end of a 4th of a mile gravel road and i was there and there’s a house behind theirs like a little house okay and while i was at their house i was like “i’m going to dylans house” even though i had no idea who dylan was i still walked to the house that was behind theirs and when i got there i said hi to these people and they were like parents they looked like normal parents and then i went inside the house and like walked to “dylans” room and when i got there it was freaking dylan o’brien

    this is the 3rd time i’ve dreamed of him okay and it’s weird because i’m not like obsessed with him like i don’t know why i’m dreaming about him but anyways

    we were hanging out for a while and i was talking to him about something serious but i don’t remember what it was and then my phone rang and i had to go back to the other house where my family was and dylan was like “i’ll walk you” and i said okay and then we walked and then in the middle of us walking he stopped and just grabbed me and kissed me and i was like o okay and i was okay with it and by the time i got back to the house it was dark and i went up to the door and before i opened it some kid opened it and was like “hi!” and i’ve literally never seen this kid ever in my life

    and i was like um hello and he goes “do you have a tumblr?” and i by now i was confused as hell so i was like “um what?” and he like started explaining it and then he started like chanting some demon like devil chanting and i got freaked out and started running back towards dylans house and then some freaky ass bitch who, once again, i’ve never seen her. her voice was like… you could tell she was possessed and she said something to me i don’t remember what it was and i ran the opposite way and then she ran after me and kicked me and i fell and immediately turned around like going to fight back and she jumped at me and i kicked her in the face and then i got up and was like yelling at her to come back like “come on, bitch!” and then she got back up and ran at me again and i just kept kicking her and then she was like hidden in the shrubs and grass and i saw something slithering in the grass and i was like “wow you’re still coming back?” and tried to kick her again but i missed then some huge dude came up behind me and grabbed my hair and he like pulled me up like i was off the ground and i screamed at the top of my lungs and then the girl came up to me and whispered some weird chanting stuff again

    next thing i know i fell out of the big guys grip because dylan came and like chopped his fucking head off and then the girl demon lady like ran off into the shrubs and i started crying hysterically and dylan hugged me and brought me back to the house, not his, i mean the one where the my family was suppose to be but then the little demon boy was there

    and then dylan was about to open the door, and the little boy was there again and he said the same thing except when he was like “do you have a tumblr?” dylan looked at me like weirdly and then i grabbed him and we like hid, and the little boy kept with the chanting and then i woke up.

    Sorry if it doesn't really make sense, but I'm desperate. What does it mean?

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    11 years 8 months ago - 11 years 8 months ago #2 by vittorio8531

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  • Replied by vittorio8531 on topic Weird dream
    Do you ever Dreams about falling? How about someone chasing you into a house you've never seen before? Have you ever dreamed about being pregnant, or being romantically involved with your own family member? Dreams are very, very strange indeed. They often confuse us, mislead us, and provoke certain feelings upon awakening. Because of their mysterious aura, most people will ask, why are my dreams so strange? The answer is both simple and complex.

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