Hi. This is my first time on this website, and need help trying to figuring out what my dream means. I woke up this morning, and was just confused what my dream was about. I'll explain my situation before telling about my dream.
I'm 14, and asked out this girl(Raven) at the end of April. Turns out she can't date until she's 16. We went to a middle school graduation dance together. We went a to homecoming a couple weeks ago, and now just waiting for her to turn 16 in a year and 5 months. I made a promise to myself not to date any girls until she turned 16. I met another girl(Jamie) at the beginning of the school year, and I just moved to her area, but still in the same county. She comes to me with BIG open arms, and is a really good friend. All three of us go to the same school.
THE DREAM: I don't how the dream started. Jamie was in bed, and I'm standing beside it. She ask me to "sleep" with her. Suddenly I'm mad and confused cuz Jamie is a great girl but I like Raven. That's the last thing I remember of the dream is being mad and confused. I woke up today with my heart pounding.
After footbal practice I've been looking up websites on how dreams affect your life, and found this site. Is my dream trying tell me something or warn me or something? (Please help tell me what my dream is telling me)