
× Teen Dreams

The worst fear I have ever known...

12 years 5 months ago - 12 years 5 months ago #1 by scubadiver87

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  • The worst fear I have ever known... was created by scubadiver87
    The night was cool, damp, and unreasonably dark. I'm walking on a railroad with a large man, we are both in dark hooded cloaks. We then follow a path off next to some old piping( I think oil) I remember something about iron or coal mining (I have 7 uncles that work in the coal mines in England, one died working there) but I have no idea what. We walk up to an old dull, looming building. It looks like an abandoned factory from the outside, but on the inside its a beautiful, lavish house. After that the dream gets foggy, I can only remember bits and pieces. However, I do remember the gist of the dream: I was trapped in the building (although I felt like I voluntarily went there) by an older lady (the best description i can think of is Mom of Futurama) and her workers inside were awful, evil, and rancid. There were other prisoners, although i never saw them and they never saw me but they saw each other. Some of us were being tortured and some were used for experiments. I remember having this horrible feeling, it was the strongest sense of fear I've ever experienced. I remember feeling horrible physical pain, loss, and hopelessness. At the end of the dream I escaped somehow, to a sheriffs office, but when they realised were I had come from the office became a courtyard to the house from before and all the policemen were laughing; except the receptionist who seemed somber at first and then almost fearful. The rest of the dream (also in the building) is foggy as well, I remember being locked in a room, and being so scared I thought I might die from fear itself. The worst part of this dream is what woke me up: I had peed in the bed out of fear. I have had this dream many, many times when I was little and it reoccurred about a month ago. It was never this intense, and I don't remember ever wetting the bed because of it before. What the hell happened and what does it mean?

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