This is a dream I had a very long time ago and still remember fairly well. I have been confused about it since.
My cousin, sister, and I were outside on the side patio at night to sleep because we, for some reason, wanted to. My sister and cousin were laying down on the patio stairs and I was curled up on a chair not far away from them. From where I was I could see past the chain link fence and there was a guy with green skin (probably a zombie) walking by. I got scared and told my cousin and sister and we tried to get inside, but the sliding glass door was locked. I'm not sure how, but we eventually got inside and ran to my grandma's room and told her what I saw. She told us to lock the door and sleep inside. After that it skipped to us running down a road (if it helps, it was a road with those nice, new houses that all look the same) with the green guy following us. We knocked on a random door and a guy let us in so we could hide. We kept the door open a crack and peeked out to watch as the green guy walked by. It then skipped again to our Manteca house. The green guy was in our house and I grabbed a kitchen knife and gave it to my grandma on my moms side (NOT the grandma earlier in the dream) and told her to kill him. She refused and said that killing was wrong.
Some background information of my life at that point that might help:
We used to have two houses when my parents were together, one with my grandma on my dad's side and one of our own in Manteca. At the time of the dream, my parents were divorced (my dad was given custody of us) and my brother (he did not appear in the dream), sister, dad, grandma, and I all lived together and my cousin visited a lot. The Manteca house was sold some time before the dream. My mom lived with her mom in another town (I think we were staying the night there when I had the dream). My grandma on my mom's side is a pretty religious woman (Jehovah's Witness).
If you need more information for a better interpretation, please ask and I will tell you what I can. That was the only time I had that dream and it was at least 4 years ago if not more.