Your dreams are symbolic expressions of your feelings about your waking life. Some dreamers are unaware of how they feel about important issues in their lives. In fact, the more obtuse the dream, often the less consciously aware the dreamer is about those feelings about its subject. Symbols are the most efficient way to communicate the feeling, but they can also be self-protective, as in you're not quite sure or don't want to know.
Your dream is probably the former. You may be "nurturing" the possibility of a new romance. You could be "pregnant" with the thought/anticipation/feeling that it will happen, hopeful that it will be "born." Even the attraction to a new crush has been known to generate a pregnancy dream. The fact that you acknowledge a "strong desire" for romance may be enough to impregnate you with a pregnancy dream. Now all you have to do is find him. So, get out there and be social (and careful), and it will happen.
Does that make sense? As the dreamer, only you can say for sure.
Good luck!