I'm in a cell. I'm wearing a once white dress, now stained with blood and dirt. My hands are shackled to the wall behind me. A guard walks in to take me out. I kick him in the face and my high heels draw blood. My skirts have risen up so that my panties show. The guard smiles and a chain snaps across my face and I feel the blood seep from my brow. It stings as it hits my eye. He welcomes me to Newgate Prison. He tells me that i am sentenced to hang. I taste blood and spit in his eye. He smiles and backhands me before tying my hands behind me and leading me out to the gallows. The noose is put about my neck and I look to see who will pull the lever. It's my love, Erik. He wears a blank expression. I plead that he doesn't do it. He pulls the lever, the floor drops from below me, and.....darkness.
can anyone give me some insight on what this could mean?