Miley,Interesting dream. I think there needs to be more informationabout you to analyze this dream correctly, but I’ll do with what I have.The symbols I see here are monkeys, teachers and school. The dream takes place at your middle school. I wonder if youare like my 14 y/o daughter who was in 8th grade this year and will be startinghigh school in the fall. Even if you are already in high school, I think that
there is a lot of stress surrounding the flux that school aged kids are in now.
Plus, you probably did the distance
learning thing for the last 3 months of school which adds to that stress.Here is what the DreamDoctor says about Monkeys – “An ape ina dream symbolizes someone from waking life who is bossy, authoritative and
even bullying. Who is the 800 pound gorilla in your waking life? Monkeys
in dreams often represent people who are mischievous or playful, but can also
represent people you feel are a smaller version of an ape.”Do the monkeys in your dream represent someone or somethinglike that? Your Grandmother showed up as
a teacher. Is there an authority figure in your life/family that is bullying or
bossing you? Or could it be a certain
virus that has turned your world upside down?
When you went into the boy’s washroom you saw that some of the monkeys
were dead. We hear everyday about the amount of new virus infections and the
new death figures. Sad as it is, monkey’s
are used as test subjects, perhaps you see this subconsciously. We also have our leaders telling us that we must
wear masks and practice social distancing, more authority telling you what you
have to do. The monkeys could represent that 800 pound gorilla that is pushing
you around or that damn monkey on your back. Kids today have constant stimuli around them and it’s hard tofilter it out. Every generation has its challenges and yours is no different. Mine
had the cold war to keep us warm at night, yours has the virus and the
internet.There’s a lot to look at here and figure out, but maybe my wordscan help. Just my two cents.