
× Teen Dreams

Dream about a beautiful girl

5 years 2 months ago #1 by silvercrest

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  • Gender: Unknown
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  • Dream about a beautiful girl was created by silvercrest
    I need to know the meaning of this dream, I'll detail what I experienced below.

    I was doing some sort of sport at my old primary school playground but I felt like my own age (18M), I was with my old high school friend David talking and hanging out, I remember seeing a big bud of cannabis ( I used to smoke cannabis recreationaly) I pick the bud up and put it in my pocket. I then see my dad in his car at the end of the road waiting to pick me up, I say bye to David and walk to the end of the road to my dad. He takes me to a fancy asian restaurant to eat and I see a waiter coming to our table to take our order as she comes closer I vividly remember being star struck as she is a VERY attractive asian woman in her early 20s in a beautiful red dress, she had lucious long black hair and I instantly fall in love with her. After she brings our food I walk up to her and start flirting, I eventually ask her out for dinner and she agrees saying for me to meet her when she gets off work. I was estatic and thinking about going home and immediately getting out of my sport tracksuit and into a smart apparel for our date, smart shoes, black trousers and a wonderful silk shirt, I pictured myself in it and I thought I looked amazing, I took the bus home I used to take everyday thinking about our date and that's where the dream ended. If anyone could interperet the dream I would be grateful.

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