In my dream I lived in my dad's house but I was there alone and the dog wasn't even there. I had been in a car with two men I didn't know and I drove them away from my dad's house and I drove back and ran inside. They had parked on the side of the highway next to the house and just sat there and were going to wait for me to come out of the house. I was on the other side of the house that night at about midnight shinning my phone though the window screaming help. I saw people I know drive by but they would stop a few feet in front of the house I would run out of the door and then they would drive off. I was calling my mom and asking her to come get me and she kept saying that she was on her way when she pulled into the drive-way the two men ran up to the front door banging on the door and telling me I had to let them in or they would kill me..what does this mean?