
× Women's Dreams

Dinosaurs and Blindness

12 years 6 months ago #1 by vickachoo

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  • Dinosaurs and Blindness was created by vickachoo
    Last night I had this vivid and emotional dream (I woke up crying as I was in the dream)

    In the dream, me and a bunch of my family members, including mom, dad, brother, sister, uncles, grandparents, etc are all in this large house together. We are being invaded by dinosaurs (they look like black T-rexes). We are all in hiding. The dinosaurs either bite you, in which case you bleed and go blind, or they can decide to eat you whole. One of my family members, my uncle, got eaten whole. And then a bunch of us got bitten, I can't remember exactly who but definitely at least my brother and myself--so we were bleeding and blinded. At one point the whole family convened in the living room and knew we had to cure our blindness and get rid of the dinosaurs. I found a piano in the room and began to play, but being blinded, couldnt play very well. I asked my dad to play it better, and he began slowly. I began to feel the energy in the room change so I asked him to play louder and faster. He did, he was playing like a maestro, and then us blinded folks began to stop bleeding and seeing light again!! This is when I began to cry out of joy for being able to see the light once again, and then I woke up...

    I have a gist of the themes of the dream (blindness vs. seeing- freeing us from the past of some sort? needing someone else to help me see the light?)
    Any suggestions for further interpretations would be VERY APPRECIATED! :)


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    12 years 6 months ago #2 by Stella

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  • Replied by Stella on topic Re: Dinosaurs and Blindness
    The definitions of your dream symbols on this site might prove helpful. Here are the links:

    can't see:

    Symbols in dreams are often the most efficient way to express the feelings of the dreamer. However, symbols can also be self-protective... invoked by our mind to help give the dreamer some added distance from a waking life reality that is too painful or scary to face. Given the presence of your family in the dream and the setting (a large house), the dream reflects your feelings about a current family issue... one which you feel that your father, with your support, can help remedy. The fact that your sight is regained at the end of the dream reflects your feelings that everything will work out and that you will gain clarity.

    Please share what that might be so we can better understand why your dream chose those symbols to tell the emotional story.

    Thanks and good luck!

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    12 years 6 months ago #3 by speechman

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  • Replied by speechman on topic Re: Dinosaurs and Blindness
    Your anger or someones anger in your familly is stifling good feeling and relationship. Jack up the enthusiam and love!!!

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