I've finally talked to this boy I like & we had a good conversation, then today I went to sleep and dreamt that he told me he had a girlfriend, it was weird, what does this man?
It's a variation because you are not yet a couple, but it feels like he is cheating on the potential you might have together. You thought you were moving in the right direction with him (in waking life) and then you find out that he has a girlfriend in your dream. On some level you feel (because dreams are expressions of your feelings... NOT the future) as if he may be "committed elsewhere." That's not to say that it is another girl... it could be sports, another interest, or a hobby that appears symbolically in your dream as a girlfriend. Whatever it is, you FEEL as if his attention may be elsewhere.
The message of your dream... you feel as if his focus is elsewhere. If you are interested, keep talking to him and you could change that. Only you are responsible for your future and how you feel about it.