Background info: My boyfriend and I have been together for 2.5 years but our relationship is really rocky, and beginning about a month ago I started feeling unhappy and unable to put in the same efforts that I have up until that point and am not sure how the relationship is going to continue. We have had a discussion and are attempting to work it out, but I am still uncertain as to if it will, even though I ultimately hope that we will spend the rest of our lives together (even if right now is not the right time). Other than in my personal relationship, I am satisfied with my life (work, school, friends, etc.), but he is not happy in most of these areas and it is difficult and stressful for me to make him happy sometimes. I have also recently found myself attracted to and thinking about another guy that has recently entered my life. I think we have a strong connection but we are both aware and respectful of the relationship I am currently in. We have not discussed our feelings for each other, but it seems obvious to myself and other friends that there may be something more there. I am still trying to see how my current relationship works out, but I am feeling guilty about having feelings for another man at the same time.
My dream: Both my boyfriend and I were driving our own cars to go somewhere (I cannot remember where) and were taking this road that had tracks and was a little bumpy. It was deserted except for our two cars but then we pulled up to a train stop. When we were waiting for the train to approach and pass us so we could continue, I saw in my rearview mirror that there was another train behind me and I realized we had been driving on train tracks, not a road, this entire time. The train behind me did not honk or approach quickly it was just stopped behind me all of a sudden, completely out of nowhere. I tried to move out of the way by making a U-turn and when I was doing that the original train started turning the way that I was going and I almost crashed but didn't. By this time, the train that had been waiting behind my car before I moved had started making its turn and I had to do a lot of different circles and weird maneuvers to get in a safe spot. That part was very scary for me and made me feel anxious and overwhelmed. While I was making these moves, my boyfriend had to move his car too, and when he was moving his car, he hit a bumper guard (the kind you normally find at the end of a parking spot, stopping you from bottoming out on the sidewalk) on its smaller side, straight on with his tire and it somehow caused him to flip the car, which then rolled over and down into some kind of hole (which I hadn't noticed before) and the car rolled back into a small pool of dirty water (like a little ditch of water, where the ditch was just big enough for his car to fit, no bigger than the width of his car to get wedged in) and he passed out during this. This was terrifying for me, I was not sure what to do or if I would be able to save him. I guess the window was open or the front glass was shattered because I was able to get down there and wake him and help him get out, but he climbed out on his own after I had gotten him back up and cried to him to get out of the car. He was soaking wet when he got out, and I remember thinking that I'm surprised that he didn't get as mad as he normally would (he can have a temper when he is angry) and glad that he was safe, and then I woke up!