Before I start, Im going to give you a bit of a background
Im a single mother of 3 beautiful children. I just started a new relationship that I am VERY happy in.
I had a tubal done with my last pregnancy.
Well last night, I had a dream that I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. I remember saying "This is crazy, this cant be happening....." I was really happy about it tho.
I can only remember the "special" moments in pregnancy, like watching my belly when the baby moved or feeling it kick.
Then I was in labor, screaming and crying in pain with many people around me (they werent my family) and they didnt look like doctors and nurses. Then a man with a mask handed me a pink blanket and in it was the cutest little face ever.
It was quiet vivid and it was almost like I was watching a movie of myself, but more realistic