Dreams are expressions of our feelings about our waking life at the time of the dream. Your dream is a classic "crush" dream, reflecting your feelings about this guy. The reason you are confused is that you really don't know how he would finish that sentence.
Your dream takes place in the intimate setting of your bedroom, on your bed, no less! Still, there's no indication from your description that your dream is sexual, but it is intimate. If you are at all confused about how you feel about him, try to recall how you felt about him IN your dream, because feelings IN dreams are never disguised.
You are clearly interested. Interaction and time spent with him will reveal if he is available and interested, but more importantly, you will get to know him better. Continue to monitor your dreams, because they will continue to inform you about your feelings, romantic and otherwise.
In the meantime, here are some links to the definitions of the relevant symbols in your dream:
Good luck!