I dreamt that my paternal grandmother had died a year earlier (she is still alive) and me, my mom, my brother and his girlfriend are all at this really old house with a cemetary in front There was a dark shadow in the house that creeped me out. I can't remember all of it but we were in a room with a big room on the 2nd floor and it was about 3 am.
There was a really REALLY big full moon with a red ring around it in the front over the cemetary and all of a sudden, the spirits of the people in the graves all stood up and were standing on their dirt piles. They stood there for a minute watching the moon and then they flew up into the moonlight. Then we heard a knocking noise and we went to go investigate and we found my dad had hung himself in the bathroom. (my dad is still alive)
is dream was very disturbing and I am unsure what it could possibly mean since I was feeling pretty content when I went to sleep the night I dreamed this.