I had a dream last night that I was walking through a store looking at frozzen foods and saw sasuge on a stick and thought it looked good, then i went to the next isle and my sister was there and i told her i needed to go out to the truck and get my purse so we could get a few things we kept walking through the store and i could hear my son talking to my mom and step dad a copule isles away so i went to find them. About that time my sister said she needed to go to the bathroom so we all started walking toward the bathroom my son sat on a bench and i told him he could go hang out with my mom for a bit and put his shoes on him and when i turned around my sister was holding a baby girl and I said "hey i want to hold my baby girl." so my sister handed the baby to me and we started walking down a long hall and at this point i was wearing a hospital gown. I looked down at the baby and said "Hi Taylor wow you are bigger then your brother was. and i rember thinking that she was 7ibs and 2oz. and that is when i woke up.
any ideas or thoughts on what this could mean?