Hello, I tried using the Dream Wizard for this but had little luck with it.
I am a a straight girl and I had a dream that me and my best friend, whom is also a girl, were trying to find a place to have sex around town. She was driving, and I was riding shotgun and for some reason rather than being my little avenger, we were in a corvette. We'd apparently decided on the parking garage of the local mall and headed over there to meet my friend whom I dated for a while, Aaron. We bailed on him, yet still ended up in the parking garage. Where we parked, moved to the back seat, undressed each other and made out. When we were about to get to the nitty gritty, I woke up.
I'm really not sure what this means...My friend and I have always been very close, to an extreme degree, and while I will openly admit I don't have a connect with anyone else that's anything like her, I'm not sure if this dream is pointing to something more romantic or something innocent that I'm not picking up on.
Someone care to help?