In your dream, the truck represents your body. As a truck, it also indicates a work load, or burden. The load you are bearing is recreational vehicles.(also aspects of your body) This sets the tone for the message in that you are having to 'work' at playing. The clothes you wear symbolize the image you allow others to see. Instead of who would wear them, consider why they are worn...tough, strong, active, playful...this is the image you are working to uphold. The field is your subconcious and the mud is the confusion you are faced with when you find yourself doing one thing and wanting another. Your boyfriend represents a part of your personality that allows, or causes this behavior. The traits you see in him are the ones within yourself. Look over your life and see where you are trying real hard to 'play' or appear to enjoy something or someone. Know that the truth of the situation needs to be told. For example;sometimes we feel differently about a person...a deeper feeling than we believe them to have for us. Instead of standing up and telling this person the truth, we, out of fear of losing them, we behave as if we are ok just as it is. Don't allow your self to be trapped by 'what if's'. I hope this helps. God bless.