Hi, I hope someone can help. I've recently been having recurring dreams about pulling things from my throat that just keep coming. One time it was a clump of hair that no matter how much I pulled it just got longer and longer and kept coming another time it was a plant that again seemed never ending. A couple of nights ago I had the weirdest one yet and I can't stop thinking about it. I was in the kitchen chatting to my son and I was completely naked but in the dream this was normal. I turned round and my partner was washing dishes but he was a trans woman, full makeup long red hair. Again this all seemed perfectly normal in the dream and the three of us continued chatting. I suddenly need to pee so I nipped to the bathroom and as I was wiping I felt something sticking out of my bottom, I started to pull it and it was like a cream leather belt like thing?! So I'm pulling on it and it keeps coming and I can see it has faeces on it. I then feel something in my throat/sticking out of my mouth and I pull on that and It's the same leather thing. So I start pulling and pulling and again it seems never ending and then suddenly I feel the thing yank back into my bottom. I am still pulling but I realise that if I am going to remove it then ultimately I will have to have faeces in my mouth. I start retching and being sick whilst pulling and it just won't stop coming out. At this point I woke up and had to run to the bathroom to be sick. I cannot stop thinking about this dream and am totally freaked out. I tried searching but there is just so much going on I can't make it all make sense! Any help would be much appreciated.