In your dream, the face represents identity. Washing your face indicates a desire to make this identity 'cleaner'. The nose is one specific part of a face that people use as an identity marker. In your waking life, this represents something specific to your personality that you can see and use that allows you to relate to who you think you are. The dead skin that you see symbolizes evidence of your personality...your identity...that has/is changing. As you peel more and more of this evidence away, you see a much worse condition. What you thought was part of your personality, is in fact, damaged.
Blood represents life energy. Since there was no blood, this indicates that this condition is not taking up a lot of your attention nor is it 'draining' just is. It's almost like something that was there but you are just now realizing the negative impact it could have. Not being able to speak/scream shows that you feel as though you can't tell someone about your ordeal and/or you don't think it will do any good.
Look over your life and see where you thought things were ok with you but you kept feeling or seeing evidence of problems just beneath the surface. Once you start to investigate this evidence, you begin to see yourself in a different light. Suppose someone loves kids and does a lot of volunteer work with the scouts or schools. Imagine if this person, through all the good work they do, inadvertantly neglects their own kids at home. The realization of neglecting their kids in the name of being a 'champion for kids' could be very troubling for a parent. This is just one example of the dream's message. I hope this helps you in some way. Either way, I encourage you to keep tabs on where your attention has been. God bless.