Dreams are from God to the Mind of man. - Divine
Dreams are from the unconscious mind. - Psyche
The two methods of dream interpretation. Divine and psychology.
Bathroom � (Lavatory; Toilet) In a dream, a bathroom represents the nest of impurities or the seat of sufferings. If one enters it in his dream it means that he will be struck with distress caused by women. For heat and pruriency may develop in one's privacy inside the bathroom. If a person in distress comes out of the bathroom in his dream, it means relief from his depression.
Water faucet: Warm water, comfort and relief. Cold water, distress and hardships. Water running with no temperature means suffering distress.
Toilet � (Lavatory) In a dream, a toilet means relief from distress, satisfying one's innate needs, a bathhouse, taking a ritual ablution, a place where one's secrets are exposed, a place where one hides his money, a treasury, a coffer, a rest room, or a place to reflect. Washing the toilet's floor in a dream means becoming poor. A flooded toilet in a dream means distress, pregnancy, or prosperity. A toilet at the door represents that one will escape and resolve his problems.
The meaning of your dream is that you are suffering some distress and you will resolve the problem.