So before this dream I FaceTimed my friend. It always seems like she copies my tramuas and formulates a version of them to herself. Perhaps I am just paranoid, but she asked me to come in contact with her ex so that she wouldn’t feel guilty. During this when I gave her a reason as to why I should she said “ill just stay quiet” “well obviously you are not going to help so this seems pointless” making me feel quilty. I felt like I was not respect and as if I am a pawn. That night I dreamt of her coming do my house and having a breakdown and us arguing, almost as if I was able to let off all the steam currently building up. At the end I got in contact with her sad and told him to pick her up. I was very mature and after she left I told him “I am so sorry for any inconvenience and I would love to explain to you why I thought this was necessary”. Like I said I am a 12th house person with an 11th house saturn…friends are something that comes easily for me, when they do I feel as if I am being used as their source of attention and I am getting none.