I dreamt iseen a man, his pregnant wife, and their daughter at a thrift store. While there my mom took their buggy but gave it back. While I was talking to the couple they invited me to do something later that day but I don't know what it was. When I met up with them later I had a male with me. I know the man but I don't remember who it was. When I seen the couple I got a bad feeling and snuck back to my vehicle and locked the doors. The husband seen me and came to the vehicle with a crossbow. When I looked over the wife was crying and had blood on her but I didn't see the child. I got scared and drove away. The man tried to shoot my tires but somehow missed and then like in reality I felt something on my head like blood but there wasn't anything there obviously. When I got away I tried calling the cops but for some reason I couldn't get them to say they would check it out and make sure the wife and child were okay so I kept trying to call numbers I thought would help and then I woke up.