So last night, i dreamt multiple dreams, but one stuck out the most.
I was talking to a man he seemed to be around my age maybe a little older, around 23-24 i would say and i can't recall what exactly we were talking about, but then he turned around and took out a book from the bookshelf behind of him.
When he turned around towards me again, he was wearing a space suit and the title of the book was "The space dream", he repeatedly tapped on the title, like he wanted me to keep looking at it.
Then he said "im in it", in a sort of excited voice and i don't know how but i knew then that he was an actor and he was talking about being in the upcoming movie of that book.
The book itself had galaxies on it, but its like the focus was mostly on the title.
Then when i woke up i started googling and i found two books with similar names but they didn't quite feel right.
So instead i searched the spiritual meaning of the space dream and i had a sort of intuition that it was the right thing to search. It said multiple thing i resonated with but this one stuck out the most: "It can also suggest that you are 'spacing out' and need to refocus on your dreams and goals and stop letting yourself get distracted."
and thats when it hit me, because i was actually getting distracted from all the goals i had set myself, its like something wanted me to get back on track, like an advice.
But i still don't understand the guy and why he was wearing a space suit and why he was an actor. He kept saying "Im in it" , i don't know what that could mean maybe someone out there can figure this out.