I was seated in a large room. There were groups of people, all seated. It appeared to be in Greece, with the style of the room and the clothes people were wearing. We were acting as judges for civil cases. Before us, we each had a packet of paper, with descriptions of the people’s cases. The one that was up was a father with a young daughter, no more than 14. She was sweet-faced, dressed in an orange robe, and very pregnant. Against him was an old man with a son around the age of 18. The father of the boy was trying to break his son’s engagement to the girl, saying she had been unfaithful, resulting in a pregnancy. The father of the girl was insisting that it was the boy’s child. From the leering look on the boy’s face, it was obvious that it was indeed his child, but the judges had to hear the entire case. The two fathers start telling their sides of it, but it results in them yelling. The boy’s father draws a sword on the other, so the other father grabs one off a wall, and strikes at the boy’s father. The boy’s father drops his sword, so the girl’s father does as well, but grabs a curved knife to hold under his neck so that he doesn’t try to grab the sword again. The head judge is running over, to try and control them. The girl says “don’t worry, I’ll fix this” and the judge, not thinking about what that could mean simply says “thank you pumpkin.” The girl is sobbing, and saying this is all her fault. She does not see that her father is fine; she thinks he is going to die if she doesn’t do something. She runs the other way and stumbles into a large shallow pool, where she grabs a rope, and hangs herself from the chandelier above the pool. When the fight with the fathers is stopped, they turn to look for the girl, and spot her above the pool. Her father runs in, soaking his clothes which are red, and pulls her down and holds her, both of them in the water. The other father is crying, shouting “she was innocent, she was innocent!” Someone, like a narrator, begins to list all the things that her child would have done, and how many people this girl would have been the ancestress of, which numbered in the tens of thousands. Then I woke up.