
× Women's Dreams

Dreaming about animals eating other animals alive?

4 years 3 weeks ago #1 by Recarna

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  • Gender: Unknown
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  • Hi there, I've been having dreams recently about me getting animals as pets and them somehow taking a turn for the worst. I had a dream that I somehow acquired a fish, then it escalated and I had now many fish. I was diligent and took care of them but somehow unreasonably they ended up with their tanks a mess despite me doing everything physically possible to keep that from happening, and then fish started eating each other. The dream I had last night was I was taking care of 3 leopard geckos, and I was feeding them correctly and taking care of them but they kept not gaining weight and not taking in enough nutrition. I did everything I physically possibly could to make sure they were taken care of correctly and one day I look in the cage and one of them is missing their tail and I get concerned and then it escalated and they just start eating each other alive and there was so much blood and gore and it was really jarring. I don't know why I'm having these dreams where animals I take care of extremely well are eating each other alive. What could this even mean?

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