I am usually pretty good about figuring out what dreams mean, but this one is so detailed and vivid I get lost in the details, hoping for some help.
In my dream, I went to the doctor for tests to be ran because it was time for my annual check-up. Of course I went alone, like always. In the waiting room I had a feeling of butterflies in my stomach, but it quickly went away. I sat there for a while, and finally the nurse called me back. Once in the room she asked how I was feeling and I told her about the butterfly-like sensation in my stomach, she suggested we take a pregnancy test just to be sure, more of a precaution measure. Of course I agreed and turns out I was pregnant. The doctor came in and we discussed when my last cycle was, and I couldn't recall, so we decided I should come back to do an ultrasound the following day.
The next day I took my husband with me, but did not tell him about the pregnancy. I told him I was having a procedure done and needed him to drive me. We waited in the waiting room, for what seems like an eternity, before the nurse came out. I went back without my husband. The ultrasound results revealed that I was not only pregnant, but far enough along to tell the gender of the babies. I was having twins...one boy and one girl. The dream gets a little fuzzy here, but shortly after I arrive at a get together at my parents house. Where I am unsure of how to tell my family and friends of the news, and my husband is too busy mingling with people to provide support. Finally I told my mom and sister which were all too excited, but I had mixed feelings.
I am not sure what this all means...I have been thinking about this dream all day, and the things that stand out the most are: Unknown/Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnant with Twins of different genders.