
× Women's Dreams

Baby Boy!

13 years 3 months ago #1 by blaqsunshine

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  • Baby Boy! was created by blaqsunshine
    I'm not too sure what to make of this dream. It was very vivid.

    Here goes:

    I remember telling my ex i was pregnant but i didnt know who the father was. He assumed it was his though, and accepted that he was the father. I dont remember giving birth or even having my belly grow big. Then i recall having the baby in my arms, still a newborn. The details that really stood out to me was that he was mixed race, mixed with white to be exact (im black). He had very dark steel blue eyes, and lots of curly black hair. I noted he looked like a kid i used to teach in my bible study class. What also stood out was he kept smiling. I knew most newborns dont smile but i thought nothing of it and was delighted by his expression. Then i recall being with my mother in her car. I told her i was pregnant and had a baby but she didnt believe me. I recall being delighted that i had a baby but deeply ashamed that i still lived w my mother (i know it doesnt make sense that she didnt know about the baby, but i still lived with her. It makes no sense to me either.).

    A little background info:

    I'm NOT currently sexually active whatsoever and havent been in over a year.

    My ex is white. We never had sex. We were never in love and never got really close.

    I'm ADAMANT about having babies only AFTER marriage and only after you can support them.

    I was never one to be promiscuous.

    I've had dreams in the past about having babies. Nothing amazing, esp. since im 21. But ive never distinctly seen a face or facial expression in any of those dreams, let alone the intense emotions felt in the dream.

    In input/opinioms are appreciated. Thanks!

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    13 years 3 months ago #2 by CC

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  • Replied by CC on topic Re: Baby Boy!
    Pregnancy dreams are very common and often symbolic, especially given your circumstances and beliefs. Here's a link to the definition:


    The second type of pregnancy dream is probably the relevant meaning.

    As for what the baby represents in your waking life, hopefully that will be obvious. If not, your dream is full of clues. The fact that your ex is in the dream suggests that it might relate to your romantic life... perhaps a new relationship(?) In your dream, the baby is a "newborn," so the relationship could be very young and new. The fact that your mother is in the dream and doesn't believe it, provides another clue. The fact that the baby is male, could be an allusion to the new male in your life(?)

    Feelings in dreams are never disguised so the fact that you are excited about having the baby provides another clue as to its symbolic identity. Where do you feel just as excited in your waking life? The fact that you also feel ashamed to be living at home in the dream, may relate to your concern about how that might appear to your "new baby."

    I hope that this leads you to a better understanding of your dream.

    Good luck with your "new baby." May "he" grow big, healthy and strong!

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