
× Men's Dreams

Being Shot and Not Being Helped By A Friend

12 years 10 months ago #1 by Merioles

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  • What does this weird dream mean?

    I was driving / cruising along a highway with one of my closest guy friends when a motorcycle drove up beside my car. I noticed the bike rider pulling out a pistol then he started shooting at me. I tried to block the shots with my hand, but as expected, bullets came through. I got hit in the head and the chest which probably punctured my lungs. I was still able to drive though.

    My friend was sleeping the whole time. I was feeling weaker by the moment and started slowing down the car waking my friend the whole time asking for help. He was acknowledging my presence but not helping me and just pretended to be asleep. Then I felt difficulty breathing then died.


    This is my first ever dream that I can remember and re-tell properly and the only one that really bothers me a lot.

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    12 years 10 months ago - 12 years 10 months ago #2 by Stella

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  • In short, your dream reflects your feeling that you are under attack in your waking life and your friend isn't doing anything to help you. For more perspective on its meaning, click on the links below to better understand the meaning of the symbols in your dream:





    Somewhere in your waking life (perhaps socially, given the presence of your friend?), you feel as if someone is "taking shots" at you, some of which are hitting their mark. The fact that your friend can't be roused, reflects your feeling that he (or your friends, in general?) is oblivious and "sleeping" through it. For whatever reason, they either can't or won't come to your defense. Because death in dreams represents transition and change, your dying in the dream reflects your sense the attack is causing a "permanent" change in you or your current trajectory in life.

    Try to ID who in your waking life is "taking shots" at you while you are "cruising" toward your current goal. Your dream makes clear that you are not only aware that shots are being fired at you, but you are doing what you can to block/deflect them in waking life, sadly unsuccessfully. Your dream gives you a clue as to the identity of your attacker... he/she is riding a motorcycle. The link to the meaning of a motorcycle is above.

    Once you understand the dream and who your attacker is, you can take appropriate measures to survive the attack in waking life.

    Good luck!

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