I had a dream tonight that is distracting because I can't understand what it is trying to tell me.
I have many clients in my daily work. In the dream I arrive at a clients home that I am familiar with, my impression is that we have known each other for some time. I can't remember what the husband looks like but like him. His wife leaves the house with the kids and he goes into another room. I follow him into the room and he is there with his back to me and pants down. I am embarrassed by this and look away thinking I have walked in on him. He turns around and is aroused. Then we are outside walking together and I feel very close to him, excited even, but thinking that this man is married with kids. Then we are at a country home, there is no sex that I remember other than the promise of before. Stranger still, I am making the bed being careful to arrange the blanket at the bottom of the bed in a certain fold and it turns into a convertible top on a car that I am fastening down. At that point in the dream his wife and kids drive up. She is upset, angry and I am doing something like loading the truck of the man's car, when I see her drive into view, I move away from his car and pretend like I have been loading my car all along. she rants and raves and I woke up. I am attracted to men normally, what makes it odd is that the person in the dream feels so familiar to me but the wife and kids don't. I don't remember what the man looks like in the dream, but in the dream I knew him very well and recognized him so I knew he wasn't a stranger. Any ideas on the meaning? Anyone?