
× Men's Dreams

Frightnly realistic dream with overwhelming emotions and hard to snap out off

3 years 8 months ago #1 by Jdjbarlow

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  • So First time posting and im not sure how exactly this all works but here we go. Basically I was in a deep sleep I could feel it was heavy and had this dream that was so realistic and real feeling of emotion that I had to force myself to wake up to which I did in a sweat with heavy breathing. What I am about to paste is the raw memory of this event, as soon as I woke up I typed this up on my phone to every detail I could remember in the order so it may seem a bit dis organised but this is exactly how I dreamed it.

    Inside a church hall, a lot of good people in there, a kid going wrong, trying to protect him a young man who has done wrong but trying to make amends, bricks, the bad guys come into church hall reception provoke the young man and he goes to fight them I beg him not to saying its a bad idea, he says he expects this from him (looks at preacher) but not me insay you know I'm right i have a bad feeling. He goes. Im in a house on the second floor in a dark bedroom the window is open, I hear shouting and noises outside I turn my head to look and can see the young man in the middle of a crescent shaped gang of bad guys all the bad guys cheering their leader on who is winning the fight, I hear a smash and someone smashing somthing over the man's head which shatters with a white t-shirt on the ground, blood poorning from the man's head, he's still standing but barely so much blood. The bad guy leader grabs the man by his hair with his left hand and turns the man's head to the left and with his right hand he brings up a smash bottle top with to sharp points which the gang cheating take it off, shave it off, the leader takes the bottle lid to the man's face and begins carving his beard and tash off although incant see it I just see it from an angle to the man's back, I get up and quietly and slowly shut my window to not draw attention to it and sit back down, the man dies, I dont see it I feel it. I try to wake up semi aware it is a dream and drifting between awake and asleep while it continues on in my head me fearing for my life and sad I could not save the man relising im drifting between reality I wait and through my head forwards just as I enter the real world again to fully wake up.

    This was incredibly scary, im 24 years old and had nightmares before and many dreams this felt real. I really hope someone can spread some insight into this as I said it actually has scared me to the point I have sat awake here hours trying to work it out myself. Thanks in advance 

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