Hello, I'm new to this website and I have a pretty quick dream that I wanted answered because it confuses me. I dreamt that I had a secret brother that I believe was sent far away or stolen before or when I was born. I don't even have a brother but he was in a ufo type thing in the sky. It was a purplish pink cube looking thing and it was swirling and the only way you could get there was to fly and in my dreams I like flying like Peter Pan because I have always wanted super powers and believed I have the power to do it. Might sound odd. The cube made it so my brother stayed only like nine years old forever until I could rescue him. I remember my old house and the fields that used to be there and I ran towards the cube into the field and flew up to it above the trees. I woke up very quickly after this and I don't know how or why I could have a dream like it. Any answers?