Hi all,
I am about to buy a used car tomorrow but saw a very bad dream last night. So want some advice.
First a few thigs about my real life. In my real life my elder sister is 50+, I am not on talking terms with her. My cousin with whose contact I went to buy a used car is the person who caused the road accident many years ago which turned my life upside down. But I don't hold him responsible as it was his stupidity that caused the accident. He didn't do it intentionally. And I was the one who had asked him to accompany me on the day of the accident. While going to see the car with him, for a moment I thought that could it be kind of bad omen that I am buying car with help of this person whose actions have ruined my life. But then I brushed that thought aside saying he didn't do it intentionally.
So now about the dream I had last night. In my dream everybody except my elder sister was their age in real life, just she was like 18-20 years of age. Her marriage was fixed and may be she didn't want to marry. So I was sitting in the living room and she went out the front door just waving slightly at me. I suspected something bad and shouted at our maid to go and stop her and I also ran outside. But she was nowhere to be seen. Now just some 50 feet from my home is our neighbour's compound wall which is some 6-7 feet tall. Someone was standing on something and looking on the other side. Then that person looked at me and said her leg is broken. Next thing I see is my mother is carrying her in her arms and her leg is totally dislocated at her knee. I didn't see her face she was not screaming or anything. Also no blood around the knee. Then I thought I haven't even driven the car once, and using it for the first time for such thing would be bad omen. So I told my mother let's go to the hospital on my scooter and turned to bring the key and the dream ended.
So is this dream telling me not to buy that car? And also right from my childhood I have seen dream that have become true. 3 times. And sadly all of those dreams were about bad events. And the urgency is I have to get the delivery of car tomorrow. So please advice me.