I have dreams like this about women I have been involved with, but didn't work, either because of me of them. When I have them I say, 'I woke up in love this morning' which I think is a song. Anyway, let's look at the dream.
The biggest symbol I see is a car. You see her sitting on or in a car when you call out to her. Also, you go off with your friends in a car. Cars can symbolize travel or moving from one state of mind to another or they can symbolize love. You say right in the title that you were in love with her. She meant something to you because she made you feel more than just a 'fuckboy', you had something solid. She pulled you onto the grass, she grounded you. When you kissed you felt 'locked' and even though it felt nice, you were able to be lured away by your friends. Your friends are in a car taking you away from her. The car again is love, love of your friends, you still long for her and message her, but you allow your friends to help you move on.
So, you still care for her, but at this point in your life your friends are more important.
That's my two cents, I hope it helps.