I’ve had dreams similar to this in the past, this one was almost as if I was back in those dream, only closer, and actually in ‘the situation’.
what I can remember of the dream is that I’m (as I often dream about) close to my great-grandmothers house, and walking to her house (she is deceased and hadn’t lived in the house for 5 years). As I get closer to the house, I notice from how other members of the public are acting, the look of things and how I generally feel, that something is wrong and/different.
things seem to be in a sort of a archaic state, totally lawless. I get to the lane just before my grans’ House, and across the road where a complex of flats are, outside where 6-7 people, and 2 sentry guns constantly firing (away from me) but they seemed to move automatically, as if they detected people moving and would then fire at them. I immediately ran up the lane out of sight of these guns and the people outside. This lane was for some reason a lot narrower than in reality, and also full with trash, and full bin bags that I had to wade my way through in an attempt to get over the wall into the back garden, to then get I to the house from behind to avoid being shot at.
i then notice my brother was with me and a few others people were running around in panicked, running from something. I managed to get us both over the wall, and for some reason we ended up in the roof of the house and we managed to get in through an attic, others followed us in attempt to hide from ‘this situation’ which at the time I had no idea what was going on, like I knew things were happening and that they were serious but not sure what exactly.
there were some windows or opening in the attic that I could get a good view of the outside through, I could see the people outside and the sentry guns, and behind in the far distance, a fleet of these ‘beings’ were arriving from the sky. I saw a lot of tornados, that went as far back to only 20 metres away, and right out into the ocean and these beings were in pods within these tornados. Then I knew something was up, like we were being invaded either by other nations or beings with superior technology.
when I looked at these tornados, I stopped myself because I instinctively had this though that they’d somehow turn me insane, similar to what happens in the film ‘bird box’ so I concentrated on the foreground. And these beings arrive and seemed to easily capture the people with the sentry guns, without any force or violence. I then noticed they were moving from house to house so I said to my brother we need to move now.
we tried to find an alternative opening in the attic to the outside. We managed to work out way out of a hole, we fell into the trash below, and was met by a couple of these people or beings, who were in sort of space suits, or outfits you’d normally wear in a quarantine situation, like they didn’t wanna catch any disease we may have. They took us, we didn’t use force and neither did they. Almost as if when we met them, we figured the right thing to do was to go with them because they were actually trying to save us.
we ended up on some sort of ship, carrying us away. This shop almost looked like an airport, with various little sections you could get food and drink from, with large windows, and I noticed we were very high up and the whole world seemed to be ‘active’. Explosions everywhere, even from miles above I could hear faint screams of the people below. Then I questioned wether this was reality and realised the profundity of the situation and refused to believe what was happening. All of a sudden I wondered if my wife and kids were safe, where were they? Although I was happy to have my brother with me, why weren’t they, when I realised this and tried to find some authority, I was now hysterically in panic mode and when I found somebody who was in charge to go back, they refused and I then became so overwhelmed with grief it woke me up.
a weird dream but it seemed to align with other dreams I’ve had similar to this in the past, only this one I was in the situation more, and actually captured by the people or beings.
thanks for reading