
× Men's Dreams

Nightmare dreams

4 years 8 months ago - 4 years 8 months ago #1 by Sumerianprince89

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  • Gender: Unknown
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  • Nightmare dreams was created by Sumerianprince89
       Last week I had an eery dream. Usually dream don’t bother me since I know I’m dreaming and can usually control them, but this one shook me to my core. I had a dream that I had a little sister (I don’t) and two younger brothers. We were in our home with our parents. I saw a room that was empty but had a large closet with 3 really old radios. One piled on the other almost like a pyramid shape. I turn the top one on, and this really scary out of this world slow melody began to play. Never heard it before, sounded out of this world. I hear my father in another room  and he shape shifts into a demon. Kills one of the brothers in my dream. I wait until he or my mother aren’t looking and run  away with my baby sister and little brother . We hitchhike with a random person and I can hear my father tell me he will find us eventually. That music , though. It sounded so foreign yet so real.  Two days later I dreamt I was in a store buying stuff from this Gypsy looking lady. Then after the transaction she tells me  that she has my soul in exchange for the goods I Purchased . I could feel her  pulling me from inside my body with determination and precision. 

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