My first message is to not be afraid of this dream. Why? We are the producers, writers, main actor and director in our dreams. Scary dreams are often the best instructors about ourselves to ourselves.
So, given this, come with me on a journey, where I interpret your dream as if it was mine.
First of all, who is "Freeze"? He's what I call an aspect of myself. You're likely wondering what the hell an aspect is?!
It's a portion of ourselves, that we then use in our dreams to illustrate how the inner beliefs it represents are affecting us. So, in the dream. I am looking at myself, without me knowing it.
I am running away from those inner beliefs, i.e. I don't want to deal with them. Yet, I'm showing myself that it's time to face myself, spiritually speaking.
I then choose to run into a big empty warehouse. I am sitting her chuckling to myself as I write the interpretation. Why?
When I first began learning about my dreams, many years ago, i frequently found myself in large warehouses, full of crates, I was trying to crawl over. Imagine my surprise when i learnt the large room was a symbol of beliefs I really liked and each box was yet more symbols of other beliefs I first needed to address!
Over time, the rooms I went into slowly emptied out. Then it was time to address the beliefs the walls, ceilings and floor were symbols of. That's where you are today in your dream.
My aspect is letting me know some of the surface level belief effects my inner beliefs are causing me. I'm letting myself know some of the effects are about what I call command/control. These are masculine based beliefs requiring a controller and a controlee. I have played both parts, many, many, many times in my other lives. My aspect is letting me know this by saying "he controls me!" It's kind of funny when one can look at oneself and realize this!
Next, I give myself some clues about my command/control beliefs the warehouse symbolizes. He takes some water, i.e. a symbol of my feminine. I note that my feminine is constrained by the container, i.e. a symbol of masculline based beliefs. My command/control beliefs result in me being afraid of my feminine.
So, what does my aspect do. He sucks it into his head and can freeze anything! I am once again laughing as I write this. Why?
In many of my early dreams. i dreamt about frozen mountains, lakes, streams, snow, etc. I then learnt that this is a symbol of me freezing my feminine, not allowing it to flow. Today, those dreams are now long gone, since I've learnt to listen to myself and do what I call the heavy spiritual lifting within myself.
And what am I doing in the dream scene? Trying to escape and hide from myself! That's why the warehouse is big. I REALLY like these beliefs. As I begin to work through this, I'll find the room sizes shrink, then walls et al begin to disappear.
Then I come to an interesting part of the dream scene...Haley. I want to point out that dream scenes rarely have to do with our surface level life. This may seem strange to most people. Why not since many of our dreams are about this?
We have free choice within this reality. Thus our dreams typically don't tell us what to do. However, they use scenes from our lives to draw our attention to our inner beliefs.
Haley is a symbol of my feminine in this dream. I am crying because I lost her, i.e. my command/control beliefs restrict my feminine. I then use a traumatic event in my life to drive home the point about my feminine.
I hope this has helped you in some way. Do you meditate? If not, I suggest you do.
While writing this for you, the book "Messages from Michael" came to me. I suggest you read this.
With kind regards,