
× Men's Dreams


5 years 10 months ago - 5 years 10 months ago #1 by TheChamp_98

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  • Posts: 1
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  • Gender: Unknown
  • Birthdate: Unknown
  • "Why?!" was created by TheChamp_98
    My dream started by me seeing this guy that I now call "Freeze." He started to follow me everywhere I went. I would try to escape him and run from place to place, but every place I ran to he would already be there waiting for me. After some time, I run inside a big somewhat empty warehouse. And again, he was there. When I asked him what he wanted, he said he was responsible for everything that had happened in the past few years, and he was hinting at the fact that he was someone who controlled the outcome of my life. He put an open water bottle to his head, and the water just sucked into his skull and it "refreshed" him and he was able to freeze anything he wanted. He turned, and froze all the doors so I could not leave. I walked around this pillar to hide, but then realized that i wasn't going to hide from him; and that I was going to make him answer my questions. I asked him a few small questions that i now don't remember. However, I do remember the last and most important question that I asked him. "Why? Why Haley?" Haley is the girl that I have been madly in love with for about 5 years, but things have been very rough between us. We haven't been together in 2 years, but I cant stop thinking about her or loving her. And its resulted in me being diagnosed with Severe Depression and Severe Anxiety. Well, while I was behind the pillar I stopped and asked "Why?" And then i started to tear up, and asked again. But I heard no response.. I turned the corner, and Freeze disappeared. I fell to my knees, and started crying uncontrollably and started screaming "Why?!" Louder and louder, and over and over.

    And then I woke up. This dream is very painful to me and I do not understand the meaning of it.
    The following user(s) said Thank You: InTheDunes

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