Hey everyone! I have a recurring dream about wounds on my body. Different dream-books provide different interpretations. I don't know which one is correct. I just wanted to ask what apps for dream interpretation do you use. I used these ones:
Full Dream Book (
itunes.apple.com/us/app/full-dream-book/id431843050?mt=8) – Check the meaning of your dreams - simple and fast! Database with around 4000 words! ;
Dreameo - Dream Dictionary. A Journal for Analysis, Interpretation and Meaning (
itunes.apple.com/app/apple-store/id85514...3423&ct=Dreameo&mt=8 ) – What was your dream about last night? A dream can tell a lot about your feelings, help you to solve the old problem, foretell something special that is waiting for you as early as tomorrow. People have always attached great importance to dream interpretation, including such a great psychoanalysis expert as Sigmund Freud. Dreameo it's not just a dream-book! It's a whole network of lucky people sharing their dreams and their interpretations. Soon the world of dreams will become clear, friendly, however, it won't lose its charming mystique;
and DreamSphere (
itunes.apple.com/us/app/dreamsphere/id865056658?mt=8) – Dream Journal. Dream Dictionary. DreamSphere. With the new DreamSphere mobile app from DreamsCloud, you can see where people are dreaming around the world—as well as what they’re dreaming about—all in real-time!Easily log, share and research dream meanings using our massive Dream Dictionary, in addition to unlocking valuable metrics and insights into your subconscious mind, emotional state and daily well-being! Our Smart Alarm will also assist you with improving dream recall, so that you can better remember your dream details for more effective dream interpretation and dream analysis .
There are dream journals in these apps, so I can track when I see one dream or another. Please, share what sites/apps do you use for dream interpretation/tracking.