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Wake up crying

12 years 5 months ago #1 by proman249

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  • Wake up crying was created by proman249
    Hay am new here but am just kind of want my dream to be "Translated" ok well i woke up crying from a dream that i remeber some parts of it. Ok i know some of it is werid so you no dont laugh.
    Ok the most i remeber about it is I was in i think a treehouse, litlerly a elf like house in a tree and i think though out the dream i think i was sent to a parrall world where i met this girl and though out the dream i think we both fell in love or somthing and near the end someone was talking about entering the "olympics" of that world but it wasnt anything like our olympics. In there olympics i think it looked like a meeting hall where there where alot of foldable chairs and werid different speices of creatures and they where all differnt colors. The speices i remeber the most is werid bird like creatures and the point of the olympics was to defeat everyone so i think i closelined a bird and face smash another with a chair (sorry if this is a little violent) then one pulls i think a gun and starts like shoots werid like bullets and like they dont kill but i got some how got mortally wounded and escaped though a vent leading to a portal back to the real world out of no where, and the girl i fell in love with was on the other side of the vent saying her good-byes and the only way i could be saved was to go through the portal back to my realm and while i was being sucked back through the portal i was reaching out to her and both of us where crying and things went white and i woke up with my eyes shut and i could feel tears in my eyes and thats all i remeber. Sorry for the long post but i hope this can be interperated because this has never happend before

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