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Dark figures

4 years 8 months ago #1 by ChristinaB

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  • Gender: Unknown
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  • Dark figures was created by ChristinaB
    I had dream 3  nights ago that I was in a room with a little girl around 6-7 years old. The girl was being harassed by something either of us could see so I jumped to her defense and started swinging a razor type thing at this invisible thing. I started to yell at it to leave her alone as I kept swinging at it. All of a sudden it materialized as a smoky cloud. I went towards it while still yelling and swinging at it as it was moving towards me as well. The cloud covered me and it felt like it was taking my breath away. Next thing I know something that was totally black, red eyes and had the form of a person broke through a window and was coming my way. I slowly went towards it as it slowly made it's way to me it fell to the ground. I got to it and I knelt down and then the cloud that had enveloped me left ,me and went into the black figure and I could breathe again. Then I woke up. The very next night I had a glimpse of a small dark figure walking outside on the side walk. It was going past the window and looking it at the same time. I just stood at the window and watched it. During both of these encounters I did not feel one ounce of fear. So weird! Can anyone help me out with the meaning of this odd dream?

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