So my dream went like this: So I went on a hike with friends and we stopped for food at some point (this is supposed to happen today in real life) for some reason a friend asks to kiss me and at that point in the dream i remember feeling tipsy or high or something. Then we made out for like 10 seconds in front of them for some reason. I don't even like this guy. Apparently my boyfriend was there and saw it all and everyone hated me for it especially the people who have no right to say anything. My boyfriend ignored me after that and i felt awful but i didnt know what to do. Know one would let me explain myself. I literally dodnt know why i kissed him I wasnt even attracted to the guy like that. I was being gaslit by the worst set of people everytime id try to explain myself to someone and I was never able to get a word out. Everytime id say i love him and that I just dont know why I did it theyd shut me down. And i get it but what does this mean???