Tonight I had this strange dream. I dreamed I was in bedroom and I knew that something alien was coming to earth and going to destroy it. My ex who is good friend now was in same bedroom in bed and I sat next to her, I went out of bed to see if it was happening and I saw in the sky this enormous planet like ship. I went back in bed thinking to myself how I don't want to die, what will it be like? I suddenly saw thru the window a bright light , a pink beam hitting earth nearby. At first I was hoping it would be further away because I didnt want to die yet and hoped to survive it, while it hit earth I closed my eyes and hugged my ex tightly, thinking to myself how I am just happy she was there at that moment so I would not be all alone when I was going to die, thinking how will it be? Will there be life after death and if there is how will it be and will I be alone.. I felt all energy and life being fading away slowly at first but going faster and faster. Last thing I did was hug her even more tightly and I kissed her as a last goodbye. I see a tunnel going and suddenly I am in a space like environment, far away there are pink auras, like I am in cosmo and I don't have a body but I am some kind of energy myself. I am very disappointed because I am all alone in space altough I am happy there is something and not just death. Suddenly I just wake up in my dream in bed, like if nothing ever happened and my family was downstairs already, I wanted to go downstairs as fast I could but somehow my character kept looking for his shoes and could not find the other shoe.. I woke up rightly after that.