I'm not even sure if my description will do the experience justice.
My fiancé was not tired when I went to bed so he chose to go into the living room while I went to sleep. Some time later in the night I fell asleep and was dreaming about work stuff, nothing significant really, and that's when things got a little weird.
In real life my fiancé decided to come to bed. I can here him come into the room, I feel the bed move as he climbs in, I feel him come over and rub my back and nudge my arm to let me know he's there and I'm thinking "you should open your eyes and at least acknowledge him" but I don't open my eyes.
I'm still dreaming about work. I still see the blog I'm editing on a computer in front of me, I'm still thinking in my dream about how abnormally long this blog is while my waking mined is telling me to open my eyes.
I can hear my own breathing, heavy from sleep... I'm aware of everything around me in the waking world including myself, yet I'm also dreaming, I'm aware at the time which is real and which is dream but I don't open my eyes until the dream has run its course. When I open my eyes, my fiancé is in bed sleeping next to me. It felt like my mined was divided, like part of me was awake and very aware of everything and part of me was deep in sleep.
Note: I'm not sure if its important or not but when I say I'm telling myself you should open your eyes but I don't. Its not that I try and cant, like during sleep paralysis, It's that I feel I should but I chose not to until the dream is over. When the dream was over and I opened my eyes it didn't feel like I was just waking up, I felt as though I had been awake this whole time and just thought "what just happened?".