I've been having dreams recently that I live in a small village on a grassy hill of an island, and last night I dreamt I was there again, but I was with some friends I haven't seen in several years. I led them away from the village to somewhere else on the island, I think we were trying to visit someplace, but we got distracted by a small boat in the ocean. I remember telling my friends to get it so I could "show them something cool" We rowed the boat out to some glacial, frozen-over place and into a big icy cavern. There was a rock with a bowl in the middle of the cavern, so we parked the boat right at it. We all drank a fistful of sweet water that was in the bowl and shouted some password that echoed through the cave, and then a giant set of doors carved into the ice on one side of the cave opened that was like a portal into a totally different village in a grassy field that I'd visited in a different dream. Not only that, but I'd also been to the icy cave in another dream. I have no idea what it means when multiple recurring dream things start adding up :/